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A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

A lifestyle blog with a focus on my food adventures

Tag Archives: gifts

I saw people making the viral keychains all over Instagram and decided that I had to make some for my friends. I bought the decals for the keychain pre-made, and just added them to the clear, sparkle tags. It took no time at all. I then added some conversation heart gift cards to Starbucks – […]

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Valentine’s Day is coming up quickly. I wanted to show you some cute baskets that I put together for the kids last year to give you inspiration as you shop this year. The wire baskets are from Target, and I use them for a bunch of things year round. The acrylic tags were personalized with […]

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This was an especially long holiday break – what felt like 30,303.948.505,404,980 days long. We didn’t go away and only had a few day things planned. Keep it simple. That’s what I kept telling myself. So on the one hand, vacation went by very quickly, but on the other hand, the days dragged on. In […]

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With summer in full swing, and summer birthdays or bbq’s every other weekend, I love the idea of bringing a retro cooler filled with fun beverages as a gift. I picked up this fun Polarbox cooler and filled it with all kinds of fun drinks for the summer. You could do alcoholic or non alcoholic […]


I’m always looking for something crafty to give to our teachers along with a gift card, whether it be for Teacher Appreciation Week, the holidays or end of the year gifts. I found these wreath frames at Michael’s. I always buy extra boxes of crayons in September when they are $1 during the back to […]

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Sometimes I get stuck on birthday gift ideas. I get into this rut of the same craft kits from Target, that, let’s be honest, are a little bit junky. After Easter I buy these buckets for about $1 each. They come with stickers, so you can personalize each one with the child’s name, or, you […]

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I refuse to shop for the holidays before December 1st. Black Friday shopping just isn’t for me, there isn’t anything I want, or can think of, that I would wait in line for 5 hours to buy. Don’t even get me started on those stories you hear about people getting in fights over the last […]

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I always try to get a jump on holiday shopping and then end up with no idea what to buy! Gift cards are convenient, but are so boring. So here are some fun gift ideas for this holiday season!   Forlan y Cia 14 Worked Glass Vintage Seltzer Bottle from the Seltzer Shop, $195 Malta […]

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