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A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

A lifestyle blog with a focus on my food adventures

Thought that this week I would share some fun birthday party ideas that we did for the kids. For my son’s first birthday we did a fish theme. Everyone had fun fish hats to wear that we picked up inexpensively from Party City and we had pool toys bouncing around the living room. I bought pre cut wooden letters and customized them with scrapbook paper (just use spray adhesive and cut out openings with an exact knife).

Seating makers and party favors were little fish bowls (bought at Michael’s) filled with goldfish (which is perfect if you have any kiddos with peanut allergies). Cut out circles of scrapbook paper and stuck them on craft sticks to stand up in the bowls.

My good friend made the cake, a little hombre on the side – vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream.

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