December 16, 2024 Sometimes You Have To Take Shortcuts: Gingerbread Houses and Cookies
I think that when I had my first child I had these holiday visions of the perfect gingerbread house – beautiful icing, rainbow colors, gumdrop roof, peppermint walkway. And then I had my third child and reality set in that frosting ends up EVERYWHERE, its a sticky mess, there are globs and blobs, someone ends up crying (probably me) and the house ends up falling apart halfway through and the kids could care less after minute 5.
So here are my best tips for a clean (if that’s your thing) and stress free (if you even get stressed out about these things) or less stressful, holiday gingerbread experience. First, go ahead and buy that pre assembled gingerbread house. no one is looking and no one is judging. You can get it here. Sure, you can buy more expensive ones, but this is worth every penny. And if anyone is looking THAT closely, you don’t want to be their friend anyway. Another tip, go ahead and buy one that you have to assemble and HOT GLUE GUN that house together, because, let’s be honest, NO ONE eats a gingerbread house that their kids have decorated. I mean those kids have licked their fingers and probably sneezed on it one or six times, you’re putting that out on your holiday table and then throwing that baby out come January 1st.
Same with decorating cookies. You can spend your time in the kitchen making the tasty home made cookies that are super cute and time consuming to cut out and frost, when really, all your kid wants to do it throw some candy on it, lick their fingers (maybe eat 2 cookies) and then you throw the rest out. Maybe your kids could eat more cookies, mine PROBABLY could, but I’m not sticking around or willing to find out.

I mean, do you really want to see their behavior after they eat all this candy?!?! hahaha. So maybe make. one good batch of cutout, frosted cookies, and fake the rest! It’s ok to take some short cuts during this crazy holiday season. And if a complete store bought cookie package is too much, but a pre made cookie dough and roll it out and cut those. Perfect compromise. 🙂 What is your best holiday shortcut?
Tags: baking, crafts, family friendly, holiday, kids
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