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A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

A lifestyle blog with a focus on my food adventures

My daughter is obsessed with my brother’s dog, which is perfect, because this means we never have to get our own dog. We get to have it over for a few hours, love her, play with her, and then we get to give her back. We never have to walk her, or take her to the vet – all the good things, none of the tedious things.

So obviously she wanted a dog themed birthday cake. I like to do one “professional” cake for the kids and one “mom” cake for the kids, to show them that I at least I gave it the old college try. So the cake above is one that my friend made for my daughter, a pretty close replica of “Mei Mei” the labradoodle.

Here is the mom cake. Cute in its own way if I do say so myself. Made with different sized smarties, it was cute and colorful, and decorated in under 10 minutes.

Here it is from another angle. Do you make cakes for your child’s birthdays?

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