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A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

A lifestyle blog with a focus on my food adventures

At the beginning of the season, we decided to take all the boys in our grade (which is only about 16) to a WooSox game with another friend – a joint party. After some back and forth, we decided to rent out the Shaw’s visitors deck. It was a private roped off area that was covered, so the rain didn’t bother us one bit. There were stools in front of the area where you could eat a bite and watch the visiting team’s pitcher warm up.

We had a buffet for the kids: hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, chips, chocolate chip cookies etc. They had a ball.

As an added bonus, the kids were able to go onto the field, get their photo up on the jumbo-tron and then get to high five the players as they entered the field.

Another good option was to buy seats in the outfield – you can even rent a duck boat. The area was a little more open and we felt like it would have been harder to keep all of the boys in one place. Those tickets would have come with loaded value on their tickets, so all the guests could use the pre paid amount for drinks, food, or souvenirs.

Find more information about the different options here.

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